Life's too short not to explore ideas

- Posted in D&D by

After spending a few hours reading Monte Cook's Ptolus D&D campaign setting, it became obvious that creating a whole world was as appealing to me as playing someone else's. So why not giving it a try?
I don't know anyone who has died of shame, at least not officially, so I'm going for it. Gillianar (do you see the wink?) is a world designed for D&D, but above all to have fun materializing my ideas, my dreams, even my deliriums.
Ideas come quicker than I can write them down, it's quite exhilarating. I know I won't last the distance (let alone approach the 800 pages written by Monte) and that I might get bored pretty quickly, but getting started is pretty exciting :)
This universe will be freely available here, after all I'm writing for me and not to get rich.
It's just a pity that I waited for the advent of ChatGPT to try to write something, but at least it will all come from my fertile brain and not from an AI as good as it is :)
To the question "Where do I start?" I answered with "Draw the world as it is in your head", the first result (there will be a lot of changes I think) is the image bellow. Gillianar, home of tormented heroes Yes, 99% of it is probably just a compilation of what I've read or seen in medieval fantasy, but that's okay. For me :)

See you soon, and while then, roll high or die!