Banana's back

A few years ago I bought a Banana Pi.
Never heard of it? It's a Raspberry Pi clone, but with at least one killer feature: a SATA interface. So, no more SD card ever lasting i/o, welcome to the SSD performances. Not that I need those performances, but I've always been worried about the lifespan of an SD card used as an OS storage.
I never went that far using my Banana Pi, mainly because the official distributions were unfriendly and outdated. But when I discovered Armbian, all those problems vanished. Armbian is an up to date robust and well documented 'Minimal Debian based Linux with powerful configurator and software installer'. And it's true :)
I'm thinking about automating the temperature and pH monitoring of my aquariums, with appliances like GHL ProfiLux 4 aquarium controller. This little but expensive jewel comes with an embedded web server. I would like to publish on this web site the result of this monitoring, but not only, I'd also like to add things like in house temperature and pressure, in order to have a complete view.
Having no ProfiLux yet (still saving €), I started playing with what I already have: my Banana Pi and in house data from my Netatmo weather station. This device has a public API and I found scripting the retrieving of my data quite simple.
So in a matter of hours, I managed to install Armbian on my Banana Pi, read Netatmo's API and write a small Tcl script that collects my data on demand.

Actually I'm quite happy with the result: enter image description here
Next step? Put the results in a database (yes, I know, I wanted a flat CMS to avoid databases, just to find myself needing one a few weeks later), and periodically send them to this public server. Yes, my Banana Pi will remain local only, the world is not ready yet for it :)
And later, build and publish a complete monitoring page with the Netatmo and the aquarium data. No roadmap ;)

Ps: Yes, I know, Tcl is not very trendy. I'm too old for Ruby/Python. A good friend of mine used to say: Tradition is a good thing, though in this particular case I would say One can be sexy without being trendy.
