
- Posted in Shrimps by - Permalink

I ordered my new aquarium quite a while back, but I was told that because many people suddenly wanted to try this hobby (as a COVID19 side-effect I guess), I have to wait for it to be built, and the queue is long.
So while waiting for its delivery, I was loitering on Foo the Flowerhorn's YT channel, and ... that's how it all began :)
Next I was buying and reading Diana Louise Walstad "Ecology of the Planted Aquarium", and then I decided I wanted to try having shrimps at home.
Foo, Diana Louise, thank you, I just spent my week-end building a cabinet for my brand new 30 liters aquarium.
This one wont' be connected to my water inlet and a waste water outlet, so Diana Louise have to be true about the 'no regular water change needed', because I'll have to do the water changes the old way, ... by hand.
And I'll go for Foo's wise advice:

No livestock, only the plants, for the first 2 months

This leaves me some time to find out which shrimps will live in this tank.
